Infrared floor heating systems
Arkon Heating utilizes far-infrared effect to provide electric radiant heat in your home. The technology uses a thin layer of infrared film, insulated between the fundamental bottom (i.e. concrete) and the preferred superficial surface (i.e. tile) of any space. The volume of heat is controlled by the user and provides a cost-effective and safe source of heat.
Bring Warmth to your:
Office space
Restaurant, entertainment area
Hospital, health-care area
Space of worship
Child-care areas- Long-term care facility
Carbon heating film is the cutting edge far-infrared surface phase heating element. It is used as the base insulation layer under a variety of surfaces, including:
Engineered floor
Vinyl tile
Why use Arkon Heating to warm your life?
- The far- infrared film maintains heat closer to the installed surface (i.e. floor or walls), rather than heat the empty air closer to the ceiling
- It is a cost-effective alternative to heating target areas of your desired space
- You have full control of how much energy is used and for how long
- It eliminates dust, harmful gas and noise because film uses controlled electricity and therefore helps to maintain fresh indoor air
- Health benefits: use of anion and far infrared rays has been shown to have positive effects on health
Excellent economical heating system
- Cheaper by over 30% than electric heating and by over 60% than oil boiler
- Construction can be completed within a very short time, which reduces construction costs.
- Its area heating feature helps you save energy
- Possible to be installed with an automatic control (central control) system